Our Story
In 2012, siblings Derek Maxfield and Melanie Huscroft founded Younique with a clear mission: to uplift, empower, and validate women around the world.
Younique is more than a beauty company; we're innovators. We've simplified the selling process with easy-to-use systems and high-quality beauty products. But what truly sets us apart is our commitment to giving. Every purchase made contributes to a cause that matters, as we donate 100% of net profits to initiatives that make a difference.
Our Mission
is to uplift, empower, validate,
and ultimately build self-esteem in women around the world through high-quality products that encourage both inner and outer beauty and spiritual enlightenment while also providing opportunities for personal growth and financial reward.
At Younique, we're more than just a company; we're a community.  Our guiding principle? Being "Deliberately Different." This isn't just a tagline—it’s the foundation of how we operate.
We're committed to making things simple and effective for our Brand Ambassadors and Brand Affiliates. We know that more simplicity from us, equals more money for them. Be deliberately different with us.
Younique is the embodiment of 'joy,' infusing every interaction with a radiant and heartfelt spirit that celebrates individuality and empowers women to shine their brightest.
We are always authentic, honest, and sincere. Our goal is to always put YOU at the front and center of everything we do.
We are clear, transparent, and direct in our communication.
Our language is always friendly, inclusive, and welcoming—like that of a caring friend.
We are always here to uplift and inspire you to be your best, most confident self and to take action to tackle your goals.
We are understanding, compassionate, and patient. We care about supporting YOU.
Brand Pillars
Brand Don’ts
In the past, our brand embraced overly-enthusiastic language that was often complex and occasionally wordy. As we’ve grown as a brand  we've evolved to prioritize clarity, authenticity, and straightforward communication that resonates with our diverse audience.
This evolution isn't just in our messaging; it extends to our model and product photography, fonts, and overall design. While we still embrace the joy and fun that define us, our primary focus is ensuring that our messaging—and now our visuals—are as clear and straightforward as possible.
Model Photography: DONTs
At Younique, we're revitalizing our model photography to better reflect our brand's vibrant spirit. Shifting from moody visuals to joyful expressions, we aim to mirror the exuberance of our cherished Brand Ambassadors and Brand Affiliates who inspire us daily. It's all about celebrating our collective journey with authenticity and joy.
We’re saying goodbye to our edgier rock and roll-inspired model photography. Gone are the days of dark eyeliner, bold lips, and bright blush paired with harsh lighting against dark backgrounds.
Product Phtography: DONTs
In our evolving product photography style, we've bid farewell to the use of dark or purple product backgrounds. We've also moved away from chaotic and messy shots where products were scattered.
We avoid inconsistent lighting, ensuring uniform and balanced illumination to accurately depict product colors and textures.
We steer clear of busy backgrounds that can distract from the product itself, and we avoid over-styling, refraining from the use of excessive props or accessories that may overwhelm the product.
Brand: DONTs
At Younique, our brand typography adheres to simplicity and clarity. We avoid script fonts, Proxima Nova, and our old Younique Flourish. Our font choices reflect our JOYful spirit and steers clear of moody or complex styles.
We believe in straightforward and easily legible typography that resonates with our audience, ensuring that our message is always accessible and inviting. For any deviations from our curated fonts, please seek approval from our dedicated brand team
Brand Elements
At Younique, we understand that a flawless makeup look starts with the perfect foundation—just like our brand. Our foundational elements, from logos and colors to typography and photographs, are pivotal in creating a deep connection with our Brand Ambassadors and Brand Affiliates. Consistency in these visual elements is key to building trust and affinity with our brand.
But our brand is more than just visuals. Our tone and voice are integral components that embody joy, authenticity, and empowerment. We prioritize clear, genuine, and straightforward communication that not only resonates with but also motivates our diverse audience. At the core, our brand elements work in harmony to convey a message of joy and empowering beauty, reflecting our commitment to making a positive impact in the world.
At Younique, while our logo may have evolved, it remains a steadfast symbol of our cherished values. Our new logo not only reflects our commitment to change but also stands as a symbol for the joy found in growth. Even as we embrace fresh designs, our core principles remain unwavering.
The Blossom
The Blossom
The Seed
Planting the Foundation
At Younique, the principle of being Deliberately Different guides the training, equipping, and empowerment provided to foster growth. The seed symbolizes the humble beginnings of any dream, serving as a reminder that all great journeys start small. Understanding the importance of nurturing these beginnings, Younique offers the essential tools and support needed for them to flourish.
The Stem
Reaching New Heights
In the Younique logo, the stem marks the visible onset of growth. It stands as a symbol of unwavering determination, resilience, and the ongoing quest to reach new heights. This component reflects Younique's commitment to empowering growth, pushing boundaries, and seizing opportunities in the pursuit of goals.
The Bloom
Realizing Your Dreams
The bloom in the logo signifies the pinnacle of growth, representing the moment when hard work, dedication, and passion come to fruition. It radiates beauty and success, capturing the essence of achievement. At Younique, the celebration of these milestones is an honored part of the transformative journey.
Y Blossom
At Younique, both our logo and word mark powerfully encapsulate our values, and to ensure they shine, they deserve their own space. Using the 'O' in Younique's word mark as a guide, we've determined the optimal spacing for all versions of our logo and word mark. Kindly refer to the example below for clarity.
 Y Blossom Clearspace
DOWNLOAD Brandmarks
At Younique, we value clarity, especially when it pertains to our brand's representation. This section provides detailed guidelines on how to properly use our trademarks, including product names and other trademarked features or services, please refer to our simplified trademark usage guidelines.
These guidelines provide essential information on maintaining the integrity and legal compliance of our brand and trademarks. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that our trademarks are represented accurately and consistently across all communications.
 Y Blossom Clearspace
At Younique, our color choices are thoughtfully curated to mirror our brand's essence and values and are a vital component of our visual identity. Their consistent application is essential for maintaining brand recognition and cohesion.
These colors, carefully selected to reflect our values of joy, authenticity, and empowerment, should be used thoughtfully and purposefully across all brand materials. Whether in web design, print collateral, or marketing materials, adhering to our color guidelines ensures that our brand is presented consistently and effectively.
Brand Colors
Embracing a palette of black and white, especially as we're rooted in color cosmetics, allows the vivid and diverse shades of our product line to take center stage. This intentional simplicity not only accentuates the richness of our products but also encapsulates the joy and vibrancy we wish to convey with every touchpoint of our brand.
At Younique, 'carnation' stands as our primary accent color, punctuating all but our digital touchpoints. Think of it not as a red dress, but as a bold red lipstick—embodying confidence, empowerment, and unmistakable style.
Brand Colors
Recognition colors
At Younique, we believe in celebrating the achievements of our dedicated Brand Ambassadors and Brand Affiliates and our recognition colors hold a special purpose. Reserved exclusively, these hues highlight recognition, Pay Plan Titles, and Sales Titles. Their use underscores the significance and pride associated with each achievement within our brand.
 Y Blossom Clearspace
Color Usage
At Younique, consistency and clarity are paramount. Presented below are our only approved color combinations, curated to ensure a cohesive brand representation. Adhering to these specific pairings will maintain the integrity and resonance of our brand's visual narrative.
ADA compliance: 4:1 contrast ratio
At Younique, embracing inclusivity and accessibility is central to our brand ethos. Ensuring our color usage meets ADA compliance is not just a regulatory obligation, but a reflection of our commitment to being accessible to all. The chart provided below has been designed to guide you in understanding the approved color pairings. To be compliant, color pairs must achieve at least a 4:1 contrast ratio. Adherence to this standard ensures that our visuals are not only visually compelling but also accessible to everyone.
Wordmarkmpliance: 4:1 contrast ratio
At Younique, we believe that success should be within everyone's reach. That's why we've created the Pathways design, inspired by the clean and modern look of subway maps. The design serves as an intentional guide and a straightforward journey toward success.
With clearly marked programs and opportunities, there’s no confusion or uncertainty about the next steps. No need to jump through hoops or navigate through mazes—the Pathways design offers a simple and clear route to success. This is part of what makes Younique Deliberately Different—empowering individuals to achieve their most meaningful goals.
At Younique, the 'Pathways' design isn't merely a graphic choice—it's a representation of our brand's journey and commitment. This distinctive design language underscores our unwavering support for the success of our Brand Ambassadors and Brand Affiliates. When integrating ‘Pathways’ into our initiatives, its presence should be subtle and enhance, rather than overwhelm, the design. While the pathways can vary in thickness, they must always feature a turn, symbolizing the dynamic and evolving journey of growth and success we champion.
Pathways: Expressive
At Younique, while 'Pathways' symbolizes our brand's journey, its application should be both purposeful and expressive. It's not just about illustrating a route, but about capturing the emotion, dynamism, and joy of the journey. When incorporating 'Pathways' into designs, it should evoke a sense of movement, possibility, and the boundless spirit of our brand's mission.
At Younique, the very fibers of our brand are woven through thoughtful design choices, and typography stands as a powerful thread in that tapestry.
From the expressive serifs of 'Bodoni Moda' to the bold strength of 'LEXEND ZETTA', each font we choose is a deliberate decision that aligns with our core values of joy and empowerment. And let's not forget 'Lato', the unifying element that brings clarity and consistency to our messaging.
Together, these fonts work in harmony to accentuate, emphasize, and underscore the essence of Younique.
Bodoni Moda
Download Bodoni Moda
Bodoni Moda' captures the essence of Younique with its expressive serifs, embodying the joy and dynamism of our brand with it’s expressive serifs. Reserved exclusively for headlines, it ensures that our messages captivate and resonate, leaving an indelible mark.
Download Lexend Zetta
'LEXEND ZETTA' serves as our secondary typeface. This text is used exclusively for headlines and MUST be used in all caps. Its bold and commanding presence adds a distinct touch to our messaging when a different style is needed.
Download Lato
'Lato' serves as the steady undercurrent of Younique's textual narrative, offering clarity and consistency. Chosen for its versatile and approachable nature, it ensures that every piece of communication is both readable and resonant. It's imperative to note that 'Lato' should strictly be relegated to body text and must never be used as a headline.
Typography Usage
Photography is more than just a visual tool at Younique; it's a way to encapsulate the brand's core values. It's where light, emotion, and purpose meet, creating a vivid snapshot of joy and empowerment.
The lighting choices are intentional, designed to radiate a sense of warmth and happiness. This is amplified by the genuine expressions of the models, who embody the uplifting spirit of the brand.
While professional models help showcase the products, the true heart of the brand is represented by Brand Ambassadors who are the face of our brand at events and corporate initiatives, symbolizing everything we stand for, beyond just our products. They help bring the brand's values, mission, and culture to life.
ICON Photography
Download ICON Photography
Our Brand Ambassador models, known as Younique Icons, are the embodiment of our brand's core values. Handpicked annually, these women represent the heart and soul of everything Younique cherishes and aspires to be.
Model Photography
Download Model Photography
At Younique, model photography serves as a vibrant showcase of joy, captured through intentional lighting, expressive faces, and dynamic poses. Unlike Younique Icons, our professional models are specifically chosen to highlight our products, not to represent Younique’s core values.
Product Photography: Functional
Download Functional Photography
Our Brand Ambassador models, known as Younique Icons, are the embodiment of our brand's core values. Handpicked annually, these women represent the heart and soul of everything Younique cherishes and aspires to be.
Product Photography: Expressive
Download Expressive Photography
Younique's expressive product photography is a symphony of joy. When showcasing color cosmetics, it's essential that the product's hue stands unchallenged, free from competition with other colors. Our color swatches, infused with the distinctive design of Pathways, reinforce our dedication to celebrating every success, big or small.
brand documents
Consistency and brand cohesion are paramount, and to ensure this, we've curated a collection of essential brand documents for your every need. From crafting an impactful presentation using our designated PowerPoint template to distributing business cards, sending thank-you notes, and addressing other business collateral necessities, everything is readily available for you. Dive in and seamlessly represent Younique across all touchpoints.
Power Points
Download Power Points
Effortlessly maintain brand consistency in your presentations with our specially crafted PowerPoint template. Simply download it, and you're immediately equipped to create and convey your message in true Younique style.
Business Stationery
Download Business Stationery
For all other business endeavors, our curated collection of brand collateral ensures Younique's essence is consistently represented. Whether it's business cards, thank-you notes, or other essentials, each piece is designed to echo our brand's ethos seamlessly.
Digital Assets
Download Business Stationery
For all other digital business endeavors, our curated collection of brand collateral ensures Younique's essence is consistently represented. Whether it's social media banners, wallpapers, or other essentials, each piece is designed to echo our brand's ethos seamlessly.
Link to Younique's Canva
Canva emerges as our self-serve beacon, working hand-in-hand with this guide to empower your creative journey. Think of it as your personal design toolkit, curated to ensure brand consistency while giving you the autonomy to craft. However, remember that all creations must receive the brand team's seal of approval, ensuring every piece aligns seamlessly with the Younique Brand.
Brand In Use
Just as makeup highlights subtly accentuate and bring out the best features without overshadowing the foundation, certain elements of our brand serve to emphasize without overpowering our core identity. These are the delicate flourishes that echo Younique's ethos, the gentle nudges that steer attention to our brand's essence, yet always ensuring our foundational values remain at the forefront.
Communication is pivotal in weaving the story of Younique, and it's essential to remain an active participant in the ongoing conversation. Every design or piece of communication should initiate with our foundational elements, ensuring they resonate with our brand's core ethos. The distinctive design of our logo, combined with the unique language of pathways, offers an immediate recognition, assuring audiences of our brand's presence. By harmonizing these elements, we position Younique to not only be identified but also to remain dynamically engaged in the dialogue.
In our emails, while we spotlight what's new, it's essential to maintain a consistent template. This ensures that our audiences immediately recognize the communication as distinctly Younique and can quickly discern the topic of discussion. It's about striking that perfect balance between showcasing fresh content and staying anchored in our brand's familiar feel.
Comms Hub
View Comms Hub
Within our Comms Hub, while we emphasize the latest updates and news, we prioritize maintaining a consistent layout and design. This approach ensures that every time our community interacts, they instantly feel the unmistakable touch of Younique, even as they dive into the newest information. It's our way of seamlessly blending the excitement of what's new with the comfort of what's familiar.
At Younique, we believe empowerment goes hand in hand with knowledge and guidance. Our training programs are thoughtfully curated, allowing our brand to stretch and adapt to meet the diverse needs of our Brand Ambassadors and Affiliates. We're not just offering lessons; we're providing a steadfast companion for your journey. With every step, you're enveloped in expert advice, ensuring you feel heard, guided, and uplifted. As you stride confidently towards your goals, our training sessions reaffirm our commitment to stand by your side, shining a light on your path to success.
The Guide
View the Monthly Guide
Housed within our app, the Monthly Guide epitomizes Younique's fusion of digital innovation and steadfast brand identity. Every update is tailored to align with the aesthetics of the specific product or promotion being highlighted, ensuring users encounter a cohesive and intuitive in-app experience. Yet, even amidst this adaptive design, the unmistakable essence of Younique shines through. This digital guide doesn't just inform; it embodies the perfect equilibrium of our brand's adaptability and recognizable touch, empowering our Brand Ambassadors and Affiliates with every swipe and tap.
Learning Hub
View the Learning Hub
Echoing the essence of our Comms Hub, the Learning Hub stands as the central nexus for all our training materials. Every crafted lesson, every insightful module, finds its home here. Steeped in Younique's signature style, the Learning Hub doesn't just house knowledge; it's where our brand's commitment to empowerment and growth truly comes to life for our Brand Ambassadors and Affiliates.
In the realm of Younique packaging, elegance takes center stage. Adorning our packages, the emblematic Y Blossom radiates on a backdrop of either pristine white or profound black, encapsulating our brand's essence. However, the true delight lies within: a burst of color inside the carton, an unexpected spark of joy, reminiscent of our brand's promise to uplift, empower, validate, and ultimately spread happiness.
In the world of Younique makeup, the packaging tells a story of timeless elegance. Crafted in a deep, luxurious black, it serves as a canvas that highlights the vibrancy and allure of the products within. This choice not only epitomizes sophistication but also ensures our makeup stands out, echoing our commitment to upliftment and empowerment in every detail.
Skincare & Ingestibles
Within Younique's realm, our skincare packaging embodies purity, renewal, and transformative care. Adorned in pristine white on the outside, it offers a hint of an invigorating internal color, teasing that additional spark of joy within. This harmonious blend mirrors the essence of our skincare range, advocating clarity and freshness, while echoing our brand's dedication to joy and empowerment.
Just as a full face of makeup displays every facet of beauty, from foundation to finishing touches, our website reveals the complete panorama of the Younique brand. It's where each element, whether it's the expressive pathways or the vibrant splash of our primary accent, comes together in a symphony of design and message. Visitors experience not just the products but the very ethos of Younique, all with the finesse and artistry of a masterfully applied makeup look.
Digital Design
At the heart of our digital design lies a commitment to the user, ensuring every interaction sparks a sense of joy. We prioritize simplicity, ensuring our platforms are not just visually captivating but also intuitive and effortless to navigate. Every design choice is made with the end-user in mind, curating experiences that resonate with our brand's ethos of ease, empowerment, and delight.
Mobile Design
In Younique's mobile realm, we seamlessly weave joy into every tap and swipe. Marrying elegance with intuitive design, our app radiates both delight and ease. Each design nuance echoes our user-centric ethos, mirroring our brand's unwavering commitment to empowerment and joy.
Expressive Brand
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In the vast tapestry of Younique's brand expression, makeup accents serve as those vital brushstrokes that complete the masterpiece. Whether it's for events, incentive trips, or the swag that celebrates our unique identity, these accents magnify the essence of the occasion. Bringing the spirit of Younique into every setting, they resonate with our brand's spirit of joy, empowerment, and individual expression. Much like the final flourishes in a makeup routine, accents in our style guide are thoughtfully chosen to illuminate and elevate. Always use them judiciously, ensuring they complement, not overpower, the core elements. They ensure our communication is as vibrant, dynamic, and radiant as the Younique community itself.
Virtual Events
In the digital realm, our virtual events emerge as potent platforms to showcase the quintessential Younique spirit. While these events allow us the freedom to infuse bold accents and vivacious flair, it's pivotal to root them firmly within the foundational elements of our brand. Just as a striking lip color needs a flawless base, our virtual events should blend the vibrancy of accents with the timeless elegance of our brand's core. This ensures that even in a virtual space, the experience is unmistakably and unapologetically Younique, radiating empowerment and joy with every pixel.
Trips & Conventions
Incentive trips and conventions are more than just destinations; they are a manifestation of the Younique experience. In these events, the allure of the chosen locale intertwines seamlessly with the essence of our brand, creating a harmonious union that transforms any setting into a distinctly Younique territory. Every detail, from the ambiance to the decor, reflects the fusion of the destination's charm with our brand's ethos. It's where the spirit of the place meets the heart of Younique, ensuring every moment spent feels both globally enchanting and unmistakably ours.
Swag is our brand's vibrant echo, resonating in every corner of the world through our dedicated Brand Ambassadors. More than mere merchandise, each piece serves as a wearable or displayable emblem of Younique, allowing our Brand Ambassadors to be the dynamic billboards of our ethos. As they wear and share, they not only flaunt their association but also ignite curiosity, promoting our brand's essence with every step they take and every interaction they make.
Rewards Trip